Rule 3: Listening English
If you want to speak English fluently, you should stop studying grammar rules and textbooks. Listening English is the key to speak English properly. So, how do you practice listening to English? Well, you should listen and learn real English. And It must be easy and interesting lessons.
Effortless English listening course will help you to improve your English listening and speaking. Watch the below video and A.J. Hoge will explain what you need to do.
Effortless English Rule 3: Learn English Listening
Hi, this is A.J. Hoge, director of Effortless English. Welcome to rule number 3. So, rule number 3 is very simple, so easy. And yet, very very powerful. In fact, I usually say this is the number one suggestion, the number one rule, the most important rule and so easy, and it is this: Learn With Your Ears, Not With Your Eyes.
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Listening Is The Key To Speak English Fluently
Okay, if you want to speak excellent English, you have got to learn with your ears; listening, listening, listening and more listening is the key to speaking excellent English. It is the most important thing. Because if you listen a lot, you are gonna learn vocabulary, you will learn grammar. You will get faster and you will understand better. Listening is the kind of magic key to great English speaking.
There is a lot of research about this. And all show the same thing. Listening is the most important thing you can do. So this tells us one reason you probably have some trouble with your speaking. Why? Because again, when you learn English in school, you probably learned mostly with your eyes. Most English schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, private English schools, most of them focus on textbooks in the classroom.
I am sure, this has been true for you also. So, textbooks, textbooks, textbooks… So, that’s the problem. In school, basically, you learn with your eyes, and basically, in school, you learned to write English. You also learned to think about English. So, you know about a lot of grammar rules. In fact, you know more about grammar rules than most Americans, most Canadians, most British people. Because native speakers don’t study that stuff very much.
Native speakers learn to speak English with their ears, by listening, listening, listening… And that’s what you must-do if you want to speak English quickly, easily, automatically, correctly just like a native speaker.
Listen To Interesting And Easy English
So, let me be a little more specific about listening. Because it is important how you listen and what you listen to. The most important thing is you must listen to easy English. It must be easy. What do I mean by easy? Well, you should understand 95% or more, without stopping, without a dictionary. So that’s quite easy, right? You wanna a lot of easy English listening. Now, you might try children’s programs.
You might try children’s audiobooks. Or maybe audiobooks, you know, teenagers like Americans who are 13, 14, 15 years old. If that’s too difficult, find something easier. You can listen to listening programs for very small children. Now if something is more difficult, you can still use it. But you usually need the text. You need to be able to read it. So, that’s also useful.
You can get an audio article or speech. Or a lesson even. And you have the text so, you can read and listen at the same time. That’s okay also. But listening is the most important thing. Listen, listen, listen… Every chance you have. Get an iPod, get an mp3 player or iPod. Listen to English all the time. Listen in the morning when you get up. Listen when you go to work or when you are at home. Listen when you are at lunch. Listen when you are coming from work. Listen in the evening. Lots and lots and lots of English listening. Lots of easy English listening.
That’s your number one key. Listen to podcasts, listen to my videos. I have a free podcast, listen to that. Listen, listen, listen… Okay? It’s so simple, it’s easy and it’s super powerful. Please do this. Focus on listening, not on textbooks, not on learning with your eyes. Learn with your ears. It is the most powerful. Okay? So, that’s rule number 3. Tomorrow you will get the next e-mail. Effortless English Rule number 4. See you then. Bye, bye.
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Effortless English Club
Effortless English listening lessons are really great to improve your speaking. I highly recommend New Power English course for intermediate and advanced English learners. There are very interesting and useful topics in it and mini-story audio lessons are great to make practice listening and speaking.
Click here to download Power English now!
Effortless English Rules Video Series:
- Effortless English Lessons
- Rule 1: Learn English Phrases
- Rule 2: Do Not Study Grammar
- Rule 5: Point Of View (Effortless Grammar)
- Rule 6: Learn Real English
- Rule 7: Listen And Answer Lessons
- Power English Lessons
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Hi Neelus, if you want to improve your English speaking, you should listen again and again. English listening activities must take %80 of your English study time. Listening English materials must understandable (easy) and interesting. Effortless English course has many interesting mp3 audio lessons. You can speak English in 6 months or less with Effortless English lessons. Click here to view more about Effortless English.
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Thanx & Regards
pawan kashyap
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hi aj i began follow your powerful rules it’s so worthwhile now i say i follow regularly your method definitively i’ll become good native speaker thank you so much aj love you….
i want to rocking in english lot of mistakes when i speak inenglish so it is my golden opportunity to improve my english in this way
Hi Saiqa, yes the listening is a great way to improve your English. Don’t worry about mistakes, just listen to English a lot and speak when you want. Good luck.
Hi Sher haidar, the best way to improve speaking fluency is listening. In fact it is just like a magic key to develop you English. So you should listen to English everyday for 2-3 hours according to above video. And you will improve quickly. Bye.
Listening is the best way to improve understanding, at least someone have to listen a lot of minutes everyday, it is apowerful sistem to get really skills, AJ you are encougerous to don’t give up us, since I started lo use this method I improve faster i had thought. thanks.
Hi Edgar, thanks for sharing your comments with us. Good luck for your English learning. Cheers!
Thank you very much indeed, I would like to learn English and speak it fluently as natives spoken. I got a little bit improvement on English on line, so I wish you to bring more. Thank you